Friday, March 5, 2010

Happy Six Months to You, Little Boy Blue!

Our Little Boy Blue (aka Mr. B) is six months old today! Wow, how time flies! Last night I was thinking about how six months ago I was in labor and heading to the grocery store. Yes, that is what some laboring women do...go to Safeway to stock up on a few last necessities and hope the baby doesn't make their grand debut right in the middle of the canned fruits and veggie aisle. Talk about a need for "Cleanup on aisle six!"

Mr. B is such a happy, content, joyful little soul and he has been a wonderful addition to our family. Though Miss H wanted a kitten instead of a baby, even she can't deny her love for him.

To celebrate his half birthday, we'll be serving up some rice cereal with breast milk as a chaser. I probably won't be able to produce his favorite beverage when he turns 18 (though it would be quite amusing if I could pump bottles of beer from my breasts...) so hopefully the birthday boy enjoys his feast.

Next up- first birthday party! I can't wait to get started on his cake!

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